What kind of technology will we be using in 2030?

In a world full of physical devices such as smart phones, tablets, smart watches and other wearables it may be a bit stange to think of future technology that we don't actually need to hold and touch. Yet, in  he not so distant future, predictions talking about 2030, we are going to be completely integrated with technology.

Humans will be going to navigate through the ever advancing digital world using merely thought, also known as thought controlled input or now sometimes referred to as neuro controlled computing.

Furthermore we will be able to, quite similar to smart glass and spectacles, wear cloud connected smart lenses.

So how is all this future technnology going to play out? How far are we already with the research and development of these 'generation-Z' tech?

In a nutshell, and to start with the one future technology that makes us most exci ing, interfaces (and thereby digital environments) that are controlled by the brain are already in existence since the 1990's and are currently getting even more effqgcphent and smaller. For some yea qs there are test going on with nano-chips that are implanted in the brain and wo qk alongside it.



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