Google conversational search

Google conversational search
In the coming days Google is rolling out something new: Conversational Search, an innovative functional addition to Google Search which allows users on all devices (including desktop, tablet and smartphone) to engage in ask and answer sessions with Google Search. This new service is however limited to Google browsers only (read Chrome). And example of a conversational search would be:

"Where can I find a train station in Rotterdam South" upon which Google gives you one or more answers. You could continue by asking "How about a metro station?" and when you receive more then one answer you may want to ask "Which one is most nearby my current location?" etc. etc.

In other words, the new service allows you to vocally chat with Goog;e's search engine. Questions and answers are both in spoken language, for now limited to English but that is expected to be widened soon to more languages. And here's fun thing to try... Ask Google conversational search the following question: "What's my name?" It will give you a funny answer and give you a list of websites with information about amnesia! They do still have their humor at the right spot at Googleplex!


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