Future technology in 2030

The next few years are very exciting indeed, until we reach the year 2020 a lot of new technology is being introduced and will come to the mass global consumer market, such as the flexible AMOLED TV's I've talked about in an earlier post, transparent and flexible smartphones, optical technology like Google Glass, 64-bit 16-core mobile processors and a lot more.

But what if we look even a little bit further down the future technology horizon? What comes next in technology? Here is a small yet significant selection of my take on these future technological developments!

Communication in the future

I personally believe that we are going to see a big shift from devices we hold in our hands or on laps to wearable devices (think for instance about the Apple's iWatch, Google Glass, Sony SmartWatch, et cetera) and then moving on to further development in retinal implant technology allowing us to actually get all of our daily information streams straight and directly onto our eye's retina. In a gradual pace, more and more we are going to see people getting nanoscopical microchips (nanochips) implanted into their body. which communicate on a wireless basis with our retinal implants as well as the entire world around us, whether close by or thousands of miles away.

Medical science in the future

As time allows us to get to know more and more about the genomes / DNA of human race and other animal species, we will gradually be able to modify our DNA and in effect enhance our physical and mental features (body modification and mind modification). This will come sooner then you would expect. I believe we will get to see the first genetically modified humans being treated in various medical trials around 2025 while it should be commercially available in the early 2030's.

World economy in 2030

We can expect the current shift that is going on between the traditionally strong western economies and the Asian economies take a further increase. In many areas, China is already at the 5-before-12 moment of surpassing the US economy wise, and economic analysts expect that by the year 2020 China has fully surpassed the United States as being the world's largest and most valuable economy.

China, as well as other Asian countries such as Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore and Taiwan will be dominating the world economy by the year 2030. This effectively means that the traditional Western economies need to find new ways to support their own economies. It is widely believed that the major Western economies are going into a new, bigger then ever recession around the year 2032 or 2033 due to their inability to keep up with other global economies.

Do you any thoughts or value added expertise of your own on this topic? What do you think will become mainstream some 15 years from now? Your comments are very appreciated!


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