UN envoy wants to stop development 'Terminators'

Terminators or autonomous killing machines / army robots A special envoy of the United Nations calls to put a hold in the development of so-called Terminators a break. These robots can, without human intervention, kill people. That brings a lot of questions on the table, according to the UN envoy. It is unclear which countries are currently engaged in the development of Terminators, but UN envoy Christof Heijn refers in his report to the technology of the United States and Israel and he has visited facilities in Mexico, Syria and Turkey. Terminators are robots that function without being controlled by people and thus independently make the decision to kill certain people or not. Heijn stresses that such lethal autonomous robots do not yet exist in his knowledge. For me it is impossible to predict how close we are to the point where lethal autonomous robots can be deployed. Several have committed to develop them and are currently having multiple development programs as we speak. Milit...