How many pages on the internet?

How many web pages on the internet?
It's not an easy task to be exact on the number of webpages on the internet, not just because there hasn't been a single body in existence that (if it's even possible) is able to keep track of the exact number of web-pages and also we should keep in mind that, the amount of content on the world wide web is growing enormously every single fraction of a second. Yet, we do know for one thing that Google by now (July 2013) has indexed more then 38 trillion individual internet web pages while some some sources in- and outside the Google corporation claim that the percentage of un-indexed and de-indexed (banned) pages is to be estimated somewhere between 18% and 24%.

If these estimations are anywhere near the actual reality, we should now have just about 45 trillion web-pages on the wild wild web in existence. Now, there's another thing to know: recent research by a group of SEO specialists showed that the average single web page size is 862 kB (kilobytes), consisting of some 16% of real (unique) content. That will give us a very rough estimate of 5,378 TB (5.4 Petabytes) of pure content which excludes data stored in millions of databases and private / corporate networks (intranets) world wide.

How much of total data on the web? I guess we'll be starting to talk Exabytes or even Zettabytes!How much of total data on the web? I guess we'll be starting to talk Exabytes and Zettabytes! In any case, more then you can read in a thousand lifetimes! Still looking for that top ranking position in the Google search engine results? Good luck! (or email me, I know how to do it!)


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