
Showing posts from March, 2013

iPhone 6S features and specs video + possible release date

This is a concept design / prototype video of the iPhone 6S Apple's news flagship smartphone and the company's most innovative smartphone in years, the iPhone 6S, will have a release date (launch date) in the second- or early third quater of 2014 which will be way ahead of its main rival and iPhone competitor's new model launch. It includes many great new features and specs such as dynamic fingerprint scanning, enhanced Siri functionality, haptic display technology and many more exciting new things we could only expect to come forward with the iPhone 6S! And to the great joy among many iPhone fanatics, yes the screen will be larger then the iPhone 5 and iPhone 5S. Have a look:

Samsung Galaxy S IV teaser commercial (video)



For those of you who (most probably) never even heard of the term " EdgeRank " before, here's a quick 101-guide on what Facebook's EdgeRank is, what it does and how it works. (especially interesting if you are an SMM (Social Media Marketing) or SEO professional. What is EdgeRank? EdgeRank is an ingeniously programmed algorithm  invented and deployed by Facebook  which allowd the social networking site to filter the News Feed for their over one billion users continually. It decides which exact new content is being displayed on the News Feed  of Facebook users and what position a certain new feed gets. EdgeRank does this by comparing the authority, usefulness and popularity of people, pages, posts and pictures among many other variables. EdgeRank "ranks Edges", looks at the particular connections it has with the particular user and then gives that "Edge" a certain ranking which is obviously mirroring the specific importance to the user. So, the most ...

Is Google a boy or a girl?


How many pages on the internet?

How many web pages on the internet? It's not an easy task to be exact on the  number of webpages on the internet , not just because there hasn't been a single body in existence that (if it's even possible) is able to keep track of the exact number of web-pages and also we should keep in mind that, the amount of content on the world wide web is growing enormously every single fraction of a second. Yet, we do know for one thing that Google by now (July 2013) has indexed more then 38 trillion individual internet web pages while some some sources in- and outside the Google corporation claim that the percentage of un-indexed and de-indexed (banned) pages is to be estimated somewhere between 18% and 24%. If these estimations are anywhere near the actual reality, we should now have just about 45 trillion web-pages on the wild wild web in existence. Now, there's another thing to know: recent research by a group of SEO specialists showed that the average single web page size is ...

Video: Inside Google Search Labs

How does Google actually invent and apply improvements to the search algorithm ? Here is a very interesting video that gives you an look inside Google Search Labs.

Facebook "Sponsored results"

Facebook Sponsored Search In February Facebook started testing-out a Sponsored Search , a new advertising structure that works  quite similar to traditional Facebook ads as they can leverage demographics, location, connections and interests/likes, but expresses itself in a different way. We have launched a feature that surfaces sponsored results along with the organic results when people are looking for things on Facebook. We try to show people apps and pages they’ll be most interested in. Sponsored Search advertisements are only offered on CPC (cost-per-click) basis, not on keyword level, meaning that if advertisers wish to show up for the search term “Search engine marketing” they would target the advertisement to show to those that like similar Pages or Apps. Advertisers can target specific search entities that they’d like to show up against, including Pages, Places, and Apps. In addition to entity targeting, advertisers can further filter their ads based on demographics, locati...